Pool ladies ready to dive multicolour double action shot – poster from original transparency by Michael Joseph

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Poster from original transparency


1 in stock

Photographer:        Michael Joseph
Date:                      1980s

Width: 70 cm                Height : 50 cm

Pool Ladies Nude and Ready to Dive Double Rainbow Edition – poster from original colour transparency

Anecdote from my dad’s book “The Complete Photography Course” (published back in the 1990s) :

The Pool Ladies could only hold this awkward pose for a short time so each burst of exposures was shot rapidly.

For sale as seen in photos provided – for a different sized print, please send a request by email to justinejoseph@orange.fr

For all sizes, prices & availability of the Beggars’ Banquet photographs by Michael Joseph please see  https://iconicimages.net/gallery/music-michael-joseph/