Nivea Now In Tubs, Lady on bath edge (bleached pink artistic version) by Michael Joseph

SKU: N-003 Category: Tag:

Authentic print / tirage authentique


Photographer:     Michael Joseph
Date:                   1980s

Mount:               w : 400 mm               h : 500 mm
Photo :               w : 260 mm              h : 370 mm

Authentic artistic “Vieux Rose” original coloured Bromide print, created by the photographer in his darkroom, from the Nivea campaign from mid-eighties (mount is recent)
Additional info:    Sold with an off-white mount,  signed by the photographer

Michael also shot a “peaches and cream” campaign for Nivea – the lady’s backside of this image is very similar to the peaches in the aforementioned advert – one can almost sense that this picture emulates the softness of the skin thanks to the cream employed