About me

My name is Justine Joseph, and my father is Michael Joseph, the famous London photographer who took a series of Rolling Stones photos in the sixties. The works you find on my Gallery are partly by my father, signed or not. I can provide you with a certificate that it was indeed my father who took the photo in his darkroom, however I prefer to stipulate that they are in the state in which he sent them to me (sometimes not perfect, but generally this will be reflected in the price…)

I have decided to try to promote his work a little. He started taking pictures in the 50’s – and more or less stopped when digital photography took over 🙁 Sadly most of the photographic Galleries seem to only be interested in his Stones pictures, but I find his talent & devotion to photography makes it worth, in my opinion, promoting not just the famous “Beggars’ Banquet”…

You can contact me if you want more details, come and see the pictures you’re contemplating buying, or for a french house renovation project, I am a bilingual architect in Salignac-Eyvigues in Périgord Noir (Dordogne).

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