French avenue, Streaky road in Dordogne, aka Thelma and Louise eat your heart out, black and white one-off motion shot, by Michael Joseph

SKU: AF-011 Category: Tag:

Unique authentic darkroom print


1 in stock

Photographer:       Michael Joseph
Date:                     1992

Image                     w: 35,5 cm           h: 27 cm
Mount:                    w 50 cm               h: 40 cm

An authentic image that Michael created in the darkroom, from the “Pirelli Scout” promenade, in anticipation of a photo-shoot, taken when the avenues of plane trees were still standing (alot have been removed due to an illness associated with their age).

Michael printed this picture as he really liked the psychedelic effect that the branches create overhead.  I also love this picture as it prompts thoughts of Thelma and Louise driving off towards a new life – one can hear “one two three go”, a foot on an accelerator pedal and off we go, zooming away towards new adventures on the horizon…

The print is titled and signed by the photographer.  Sold with mount as seen in photos.