Laminated Decca poster for the Beggar’s Banquet album by Michael Joseph

SKU: ARS-008 Category: Tag:

Promotional Poster from 1968

Photographer:       Michael Joseph
Date:                     1968

Image                     h: 360 mm              w: 270 mm
Total size:               h 450 mm               w: 290 mm

Rolling Stones Beggars’ Banquet Decca Records Promotional Poster
The Rolling Stones chose this particular picture to feature in the poster of the Beggars’ Banquet album.  The image shows the title of the record company at the time, Decca, and this poster appeared in alot of British Record Stores around late 1968.
Not for sale per se – you are currently able to this item “in the flesh” during the exhibition in the Dordogne:
Photos from the series are available to buy through Iconic Images: