Nivea contacts – a mini-composition from the now in tubs, naked model sat on a bath edge, full frontal test print by Michael Joseph

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Authentic darkroom print


1 in stock

Photographer:       Michael Joseph
Date:                     Années 80

Image                   W:  176 mm            H: 298 mm
Mount                   W:  300mm             H: 400mm

A Nivea creation. My father felt the lady appeared somewhat solitary, prompting him to encircle her with smaller extracts from contact sheets.

An adventurous original darkroom print, conceived and executed by Michael in his London darkroom following the Nivea campaign.

This picture exists in only one print, an authentic darkroom test print on eggshell Kodalith paper depicting the naked lady standing gracefully like a flamingo for Nivea.

Comes with an off-white mount and is signed by the photographer.