Sneaky sloe gin in tea, Queen lookalike with men in bowler hats for Schlehen Feuer, laminated ad under glass by Michael Joseph

SKU: B062 Category: Tag:

Laminated test print


1 in stock

Photographer:        Michael Joseph
Date:                      1980s

Image :                   W:   24 cm             H : 30 cm
Glass :                    W:   35,5 cm          H : 40,5 cm

The queen lookalike, being served a sneaky sloe gin by a gentleman in a bowler hat.  Group shot by Michael within which no less than tweny eight gents are drinking tea…

Sloe gin is a British red liqueur made with gin and blackthorn fruits (sloes), which are the drupe fruit of the Prunus spinosa tree.

Sold as a laminated advertisement under glass, the photographer has not signed this item per se.