Courage Elderly Lady – Solo Power Collection, Sixties London by Michael Joseph

SKU: CP-SP07 Category: Tag:



Image :                W: 154 mm            H : 154 mm

A “Solo Power Collection” postcard created summer 2024 to accompany the Michael Joseph Beggars Banquet Rolling Stones photo exhibition in the Dordogne, France.

Extract from a Pic Magazine article, interview with the photographer:

1965 The Courage lady was my first poster a 16 sheet poster. Roy Carruthers was the art director. He had just left Town to join Benton and Bowles advertising agency It was up for a record time of over a year, and got the ball rolling for me. I was quite amused to be photographing little old ladies because I had just come back from Vietnam and people didn’t think I could shoot advertising scenes with a product. But I thought, “Well, if this is how you make a success of it, why not?’ and I managed to get quite a lot of character into the old dear.

Be sure to explore the other captivating images in the postcard collection before checking out. Thank you!