Ready to Dive, naked pool ladies interview for US Playboy photo-shoot by Michael Joseph

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Photographer:       Michael Joseph
Date:                     1988

Image:                   H:  50,5 cm          W: 40 cm
Mount                    H:  70cm           W: 50cm

The six naked ladies, in position to dive into a swimming pool for a race – the shoot was designed for an american Playboy television interview with Michael, and the photo-shoot was called “Pool ladies” – other poetic pictures from the series include “Swimming in opposite directions” and “False Start” –  a few pictures of the ladies resting exist, which are less beautiful, but interesting nonetheless.

Pool * Ladies * Naked * Playboy * Opposite * False * Ready to dive * Backstroke * Fag Break * Cookies * Resting * Nude * Poised * Sultry * Nudes * Swimming * Diving * Undressed * Documentary * Self-promotion

Sold with a silver mount with a title and the photographer’s signature.