Nivea rear view arm outstretched, poised on bath edge, browney tone, from the now in tubs photo-shoot by Michael Joseph

SKU: NT-003 Category: Tag:

Authentic darkroom print


Photographer:     Michael Joseph 
Date:                   1986

Image                 W: 152 mm         H: 197 mm
Mount                 w : 300 mm         h : 400 mm

This charming piece is one of the authentic small darkroom prints crafted by Michael in his pursuit of photographic perfection. Here, the ephemeral light delicately illuminates the model’s shoulder, portraying her in a moment of serene tranquility as she anticipates her bath, perhaps imagining the indulgent sensation of enveloping herself in Nivea afterwards.

Authentic darkroom print exposing the Nivea now in tubs lady relaxed on the bath edge.

Sold with an off-white mount as seen in the photo